Flaxseed Oil for Great Skin and Health

>> Friday, January 8, 2010

I was introduced to the great benefits of Flaxseed oil while browsing through a Whole Foods store by one of their representatives. I am always looking for natural health and beauty enhancing foods and supplements and while discussing with the rep, she pointed me in the direction of Flaxseed oil and she stated that the oil is loaded with alpha-linolenic, essential fatty acids that promotes healthy skin, hair, nails and even supports hearth health. Convinced, I purchased the 365 Organic Filtered Flax Oil and incorporated it into my daily routine. I take two tablespoons of the oil, it has a nutty flavor which isn't too bad, and it can also be sprinkled over salads and other dishes to absorb the taste.

After taking the flaxseed oil for about a week or so, I noticed a difference in the way my skin felt all over. It felt much more soft and silky than usual. After the third week, I noticed a more dramatic effect, my face had a very beautiful glow and the texture had greatly improved. For those with dry skin, flax seed oil, flaxseed oil can be mixed with honey and applied over the face for a great moisturizing treatment, oily skin types like myself might not like the oily feel of topical application but internally it does wonders for health and skin.

Flaxseed oil is extracted from the seeds of the flax plant and it is an excellent source of Omega 3s, essential fatty acids and lignans, chemical compounds that have been shown to provent certain types of cancers. According to The University of Maryland Medical Center, Omega 3 acids are essential to human health but it is not produced by the human body and has to be obtained from food. Omega 3 has been shown to prevent and treat conditions such as menstrual problems, HBP, heart disease, diabetes, skin disorders, eating disorders, certain cancers, bipolar disorders and others.

Here's to good health!


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info source: http://www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/omega-3-000316.htm


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