Tea Tree Oil for Blemish Free Skin

>> Thursday, December 17, 2009

What will I do without my bottle of tea tree oil! I recommend that if you suffer from oily, acneic or combination skin, or if you have normal skin (lucky you!) and you want to keep those blemishes from occuring, then you should grab a bottle of tea tree essential oil.

Tea tree oil,acne,blemishes,dark spots,black skin

Tea tree oil has been used for ages to treat all types of skin issues because of its antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial qualities. Tea tree oil comes from leaves of Melaleuca alternifolia, which is unique to Australia and New South Wales. It has a strong, herbal scent and has a cool, tingling effect when applied topically.

I recommend purchasing tea tree oil from natural or health foods store such as Whole Foods or Vitamin Cottage or pharmacies and look for premium grade, 100% pure tea tree oil.

To use:

1) Cleanse face and pat dry
2) Apply using fingertips on cotton ball all over entire face focusing on the problem areas
3) Let the solution dry before applying exfoliating treatment.
4) I use tea tree oil day and night, however for those with sensitive skin, you might want to limit usage to once a day.
5) If you have a ripe pimple, simple dab a few drops of tea tree on that bad boy and let the oil work its magic. Also if you cannot resist popping the pimple, make sure to coat the popped blemish and the areas surrounding it with tea tree to prevent bacteria from spreading to other parts of the skin.

In addition to being great for the skin, tea tree oil is also wonderful to use on flaky scalp!

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