>> Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Contact Info

Email Me
Website: http://www.ebelokocha.yolasite.com/
Blog: http://www.beleweblog.blogspot.com/

About Me  

A simple girl in a very complicated, grown up world. I have a strong passion for life and adventure and a burning desire to abandon mediocrity and achieve greatness. I am 100% Nigerian and passionately proud to be African. I currently reside in the USA. I am an avid traveler and I love to explore new things, new cultures, new styles and people (coming soon to a city new you ; ) I am a licensed Esthetician, an avid beauty and fashion fanatic. I love looking and feeling fabulous and I hope to spread that warmth and confidence to gal pals all over the globle.

My Skin Story

Ever since I reached the age of puberty, I have been plagued with all kind of skin problems from severe cystic acne to hyper pigmentation, deep pitted acne scarring, excessive hair growth and pockmarks. Now in my early twenties I can say my skin has come a long way. Most my skin problems stemmed from hormonal imbalances and at the age of sixteen I was diagnosed with polycystic ovaries. I went through a long, very frustrating journey to find treatments for my skin and body. I was put on all kinds of birth control, antibiotics and other medical treatments. I had chemical peels from very light to strong with very little results. I used all kinds of creams, cleansers, topical treatments, serums that produced little to no results. I went to dermatologist, med spas and such and many times because of my skin tone they were often hesitant to do much with my skin. After years of frustrating trials and errors, thousands of dollars wasted and conducting research, I sought out to treat myself, and I focused initially on controlling the hormonal imbalance which was the root of my problems. I adopted a very healthy diet with a lot of fruits and vegetables, no fast food, health enhancing supplements and lots of water. I also began using predominantly natural based products on my skin and in a few months, I saw my health and skin begin to improve. I had more energy, my acne became subdued and other wonderful things started to happen. I sometimes like to say I wish I knew then what I know now, but it’s the experiences that you have in life, even the negative one that makes you the gem you will be tomorrow. So I try to look at the frustrating experience as not a curse but a stepping stone. One important thing that I did learn from all those years is that you must be happy with yourself on the outside to feel good about yourself on the inside and be the best you. Your physical appearance is you and what people see when they meet you, so you have to care for it and be comfortable in your own skin. For many years, my self esteem and confidence suffered because I was unhappy with the state of my physical appearance and that is why I have decided to share my experience and knowledge to help women look their best, feel great and live healthier.


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